Teaching In Sync:  Empowering Educators to Achieve Success in Co-Teaching


Ready to excel in co-teaching?

Authors Erica Terry and Dr. Lynea Laws of Teaching In Sync offer professional development for successful co-teaching.

Learn to:

  • Build solid collaboration with co-teachers and staff, enhancing school culture.
  • Use proven co-teaching methods for better student engagement and results.
  • Streamline co-planning, allowing more focus on student needs.
  • Foster inclusive classrooms for students of all needs and abilities.

Plus gain access to a wealth of practical resources, including lesson plan templates, assistive technology guides, and co-teaching decision matrices.

Unlock the full potential of co-teaching!


Monica F.


Tara D.


Jessica L.

Professional Development and Keynotes

We specialize in delivering highly engaging and interactive content that helps make real change. Our strategies include:

  • Increasing collaboration through effective communication
  • Leveraging technology for co-planning and inclusion
  • Differentiating instruction for diverse learning styles
  • Boosting engagement through explicit instruction
  • Addressing unique student needs with SDI
  • Celebrating diversity and fostering inclusion
  • Adjusting instruction with formative assessment data
  • Progress monitoring student growth

Job-embedded Coaching

Go beyond the training and see Teaching In Sync in action! We visit schools and work with educators in their natural environment to help accelerate staff buy-in and implementation. Our team can model effective co-teaching strategies and interact with students and staff.

  • Classroom and school walkthroughs with feedback
  • Designing differentiated lessons
  • Implementation of strategies in small groups
  • Debriefing after classroom observations
  • Mini PD sessions
  • Co-planning and department meetings

System and Process Development

Schools need effective strategies to align with sustainable systems in order to maximize success. This takes precision, teamwork, and collaboration with experts in the field. We work with schools to co-construct and design logical systems. Some of the components of this process are:

  • Baseline data collection
  • Competency pre-assessment survey
  • Co-teaching audits that identify current needs and outline steps for sustainable improvement
  • Data triangulation and reflection
  • Synthesizing initiatives
  • Procedure and policy alignment
  • Action plan development

Ongoing Support and Coaching

Systemic change takes buy-in, support, consistency, and accountability. We support schools through the entire change process and beyond to help enhance quality implementation and sustainability.

  • Check-ins throughout the school year
  • Problem-solving through difficulties and setbacks
  • Monitoring action plans
  • Reteaching and relearning opportunities
  • Performance optimization and sustainability
  • Custom support as needed

Are you interested in school or district support?

Reach out to our team for a free consultation or for more information.
